Executive Coaching

Accelerate Executive Performance

Executive Coaching2023-04-08T10:18:26-06:00

Executive coaching iconExecutive coaching is one of the most effective forms of leadership development for senior level organizational leaders. It is foundational work that serves the individual, leadership teams, and the organization.

As an executive coach, we work alongside senior leaders as a trusted advisor, thought partner, leadership guide, and catalyst for personal and professional growth. Together, the leader and coach develop a strong and trusting partnership that helps leaders become more self-aware, tap into their potential, and expand their leadership capabilities.

We have been engaged by organizations as an executive coach to over a thousand leaders at the VP level and above. We have worked with executives across the C-suite including CEOs and Founders and with SVP/VPs across the organization.

Shot of two businesspeople working together on a laptop in an office
  • One-on-one personalized and targeted executive coaching for senior leaders.
  • Focused on enhancing leadership capacity, capabilities, and effectiveness.
  • Designed for a single leader, multiple leaders throughout the organization, or an entire leadership team.

How We Help

For Chief Executives

Chief Executives, with their dual external and internal focus, have the largest single organizational footprint and impact on the organization. The CEO role challenges even the most talented and experienced leader. Organizations evolve, and what they need from their Chief Executive does too. Every CEO will need to evolve their leadership capabilities to be successful.

For Founders

Founders, with a similar dual focus, have a unique organizational footprint and impact on the organization. From the start they have brought an idea into fruition, obtained the necessary funding, influenced the culture, and attracted and hired many of its original employees. With success comes the challenge of scaling the organization for growth and the need to scale their own leadership capabilities to be successful.

For C-Suite Executives

C-level organizational leaders, with their dual focus on running their individual business areas and providing enterprise-wide leadership, have an expansive organizational footprint and impact on the organization. Every C-level executive will need to balance running their area of the business with working together as a senior team and evolve their leadership capabilities to be successful.

For Senior Leaders

Senior leaders below the C-Suite, with their focus on leading a functional area of the business have a deep organizational footprint in that much of the organization reports into these senior leaders. Every senior leader will need to expand their ability to work effectively not only inside their organization but across the organization and evolve their leadership capabilities to be successful.

New Leader Integration Coaching

New leader integration is a specialized, intensive, and focused form of executive coaching that supports a leader in the first months in the role. Often initiated on the heels of an organization’s internal onboarding process, this form of coaching sets the new leader and their team up for a successful transition, helps create a solid foundation for the team, and gives the new leader initial feedback that is enormously helpful in making early course corrections to be most successful.

Organizational Assessment

An Organizational Assessment can be completed in parallel with executive coaching. Organizational Assessments provide a valuable data point and insight into organizational capacity and effectiveness. Our proprietary Assessment methodology reports on aggregated themes from key stakeholder interviews, key findings, and recommendations. Recommendations provide senior leaders with a valuable path forward in leveraging strengths and addressing challenges that may be limiting the organization.

How We Help You

Executive Coaching Services for You

Executive coaching is a highly collaborative and relationship-based process. At its essence, the executive coaching relationship affords a container and safe space for professional growth and development. Within the context of this relationship the leader has a chance to step back and become more self-aware, understand how others in the organization see them, reflect on their personal effectiveness, and then experiment with new ways of being and leading.

Together, the leader and executive coach create a strong and trusting partnership that helps leaders become more self-aware, tap into their potential, and expand their leadership capabilities.

Common Areas of Focus in Executive Coaching Services

  • Building self-awareness – seeing yourself and others clearly
  • Leveraging strengths – utilizing your strengths to the fullest
  • Understanding blind spots – seeing how they are limiting your effectiveness
  • Expanding emotional intelligence – recognizing, understanding, and managing emotions
  • Power and influence – utilizing power and influence appropriately
  • Enhancing executive presence – engaging and inspiring others
  • Effective team leadership – leading the team to achieve its goals
  • Leading organizational change – inspiring others through strategic change

How We Help Your Organization

Executive Coaching for Your Organization

When an organization provides executive coaching it is making an important investment in its valued leaders to expand their leadership capabilities, effectiveness, and future impact. At Perceptive Leaders, we utilize an outcomes-focused and proven framework for executive coaching that provides leaders with the support they need to achieve the goals for the coaching set within the context of the goals of the organization.

Executive coaching is also often an integral part of our custom Leadership Teams, Leadership Programs and Leader Transitions.

Sharing Observations and Insights Across Coaching Engagements

When we work with multiple leaders in the same organization, we offer observations and insights aggregated across multiple coaching engagements. In every organization there are systemic, organization-wide, challenges that get in the way of its leaders being as effective as they could be. When an organization engages an executive coach to work to resolve these challenges, it positively affects leadership effectiveness across the organization.

Key Inflection Points to Engage an Executive Coach

  • A leadership team is going through significant change – and the entire team will benefit from working individually with an executive coach.
  • A leader is in a critical role – they are expected to make a significant difference for the business and the stakes are high.
  • A leader is in a stretch role – they have been given a much larger role and/or are now a member of your executive team.
  • A valued leader has strong potential to progress in the organization – you want to provide the leader with support before they are promoted to help ensure a good outcome.
  • A valued leader is showing the signs of derailing – they are behaving in ways that are causing problems for their team and/or the broader organization.

Would you like to learn more about Executive Coaching for yourself or your organization?

Perceptive Executive Coaching Process©

Perceptive Leaders executive coaching framework iconWe’ll work with your HR or OD leader to understand your approach to executive coaching or help you Create a Coaching Program that will work best for your organization. Each coaching engagement is then further customized to meet the unique needs of an individual leader in a coaching engagement.

Our Perceptive Executive Coaching Framework© is a six-step Executive Coaching process designed specifically for senor leaders. The process is both structured and flexible and unfolds over a series of one-on-one coaching conversations. Leveraging a leader’s strengths and supporting a leader in increasing their effectiveness is at the core of our philosophy to executive coaching.

Every coaching program begins with establishing a strong relationship between leader-coach which we believe is the foundation for a successful coaching outcome. The process begins by exploring the leader’s goals and leadership challenges and culminates in a plan for the leader’s ongoing development.

I have truly appreciated working with Lor over the past two years. She took the time, up front, to get to know me and understand what I wanted out of our engagement. Her questions helped clarify expectations and desired outcomes. She was able to craft an approach that was unique to my needs, informed by her years of experience and her expertise. She has been incredible at supporting my individual growth and leadership skills as well as coaching me through the journey of building a high performing executive team.

Ismael Guerrero, President & CEO, Mercy Housing

We started engaging with Lori at the executive team level.  Given her success with the executive team, we asked her company to be involved coaching all .…More »

Dennis Stoltenberg, Vice President, Human Resources, LogRhythm

Not only have I benefited tremendously from my coaching experience, I have also advocated and supported other leaders in our company…More »

Susan Zimmerman, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Fiserv

Lori has had a profoundly positive impact on my personal growth and professional development which cannot be understated.  Coaching can be…More »

Anne Klein, Vice President of Development, Children’s Hospital Foundation

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